Helps Moms, Children

March is national nutrition month, a time to focus on the importance of good nutrition. Eating nutritious foods is essential for maintaining your health and well-being.
For many people, that means taking steps to improve our diets and eating habits. If you’re looking for ways to get your family on the right track, Texas WIC can help. WIC is a free supplemental nutrition assistance program for expecting mothers, mothers and children up to age 5.
And it’s been shown to be effective: women and children on WIC have improved birth outcomes and it “significantly improves children’s diets,” according to the USDA.
Free supplemental nutrition assistance programs like WIC helps mothers and their children get a healthy start in many ways, but here are a few ways the supplemental nutrition program helps create healthy eating habits:
Helping to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Fruits and vegetables are packed with fiber and nutrients, and they’re low in calories. They’re also a great source of antioxidants, which can help protect your body from disease.
Texas WIC is now offering more fruits and vegetable benefits than ever. Last year the program increased the program’s benefits to temporarily include even more fruit and vegetable benefits. Learn more about the expanded fruit and vegetable benefits here.
Helping get fiber.
Getting fiber is a great way to have a healthy diet. A great way to do that is to get whole grains and legumes into our diets.
Texas WIC helps clients get even more whole grains in their diets. The WIC food lists for expecting mothers and older children include whole grains like whole-wheat bread, whole-wheat pasta and beans, which are filled with fiber.
Diets with less added sugar.
The WIC program offers healthy cereals as part of its free food benefit packages, to help ensure pregnant women and children have healthy foods that are not filled with extra sugars.
Sometimes the hardest part of the battle is just knowing which cereal to pick. Texas WIC won’t steer you wrong when it comes to picking a healthy cereal.
If you are interested in joining Texas WIC, start your application online today.
Pick up all your healthy WIC foods – from formula to fruit, vegetables, cereal, whole wheat foods and more – visit Lone Star Family Market. Most of the products at Lone Star Family Market are WIC approved.
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